Construction and development: the Chinese Civil Servant''''s Performance Appraised at the Beginning of the Operational Mechanism Searches
中文关键词:  构建与发展,公务员,绩效评估,运行机制
English Keywords:construction and development,civil servant,the achievements appraised,operational mechanism
Fund Project:
PAN Xin-lin  QU Shuang-hu  WANG Xiao-fang
摘要点击次数: 1004
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Civil servant's appraisal mechanism is a kind of system related to their performance which can guarantee the effective development and orderly function of the system. It includes the subject mechanism,performance appraisal procedure,responsibility mechanism,supervision mechanism, appeal mechanism and result application mechanism.It is the prerequisite and basis of the mechanism in performance,and the necessary road to realize scientific and standardized mechanism.
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