On Reason and Strategy of Unbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in Hunan Province
中文关键词:  湖南省,性别比,失衡原因,对策
English Keywords:Hunan province,sex ratio,unbalanced reason,strategy,
Fund Project:
ZHANG Duo-lai  HUANG Qiu-sheng  ZENG Jian-guo  et al
摘要点击次数: 698
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Since 1980's,sex ratio at birth in Hunan Province has been elevated continually,and the disparity of area,city and countryside,child times has been enlarged.There are society,historical,family and realistic reasons.We think the comprehensive government of sex ratio at birth is urgent.After analyzing present situation sex ratio at birth in the Hunan Province,this article points out that under the principle of comprehensive government we can invent the electronic eyes to control sex appraisal of the ultrasound scanner,which are similar in the traffic electronic eyes.
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