Research on Hengyang County Economic Development Based on the Concept of Scientific Development
中文关键词:  科学发展观,县域经济,衡阳市,珠三角地区
English Keywords:the scientific concept of development,county economy,Hengyang city,the PRD region
Fund Project:
ZENG Jian-guo  ZHANG Duo-lai  HUANG Qiu-sheng
摘要点击次数: 940
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Practice has proved that it is the correct choice for Hengyang to struggle from the central region to the implement of the scientific concept of development,adhere to internal and the outside world simultaneously,vigorously develop an open economy. Through research in Hengyang City,the county's economic development and integration with the PRD region Shunde,Nanhai,the gap between the two places,this paper learns from the open experience of the PRD and presents Hengyang County economic development strategy.
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