Practice and Reflection of Quantification of Checking about the Postgraduate Tutor in Agriculture University
中文关键词:  研究生指导教师,聘期,考核,量化
English Keywords:postgraduate tutor,time of employment,assessment,quantification
Fund Project:
YANG Hai-jun  HE Jian-hua  LU Zhao-yin
摘要点击次数: 848
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      It is of the utmost importance to make reasonable and scientific methods of checking postgraduates tutors within the time of their employment for the purpose of imployment of tutors in the universities,carrying out the distributive system of the distribution according to work and preferential treatment for excellent work,and motivating all the postgraduates tutors to improve their own comprehensive qualities and better cultivating of the postgraduates by means of just evaluating of tutors' morality,ability,diligence and achivement.
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