The Efficiency of Ordonance and the Theory of "Efficiency Supreme" in Law and Economics
中文关键词:  法经济学,效率至上论,配置效率,规则公平,分配公平
English Keywords:law and eEconomics,the theory of "efficiency supreme",efficiency of ordonance,regular justice,distributive justice
Fund Project:
LI Song-lin  LI Su-wen
摘要点击次数: 815
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The essence of the theory of "Efficiency Supreme" in Law and Economics with Posner as the representative is that the making and implementation of the law should aim at pursuing the social wealth maximization,in which efficiency may substitute justice and rights to become the legal cornerstone.But this paper thinks that efficiency is just one element of justice;it should coordinate with other elements to value the justice of law.Efficiency included justice,justice is definitely efficient in the long-term view.
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