Nature-Essence of the Aesthetic Thought of Si Kongtu about Poems
中文关键词:  自然,道家美学,诗化语言,意象化
English Keywords:nature,aesthetics of Taoist,poetic language,imagination
Fund Project:
CAO Ya-wen
摘要点击次数: 810
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Many scholars in different periods have always been trying to annotate "Twenty-Four kinds' aspects of Poems" when it came out to the world.However,there are no persuasive views in terms of the poems' keynote(motive) and argumentation so far.As an important and influential theoretical works, there is no doubt to have a pity on such a scotoma.From the angles of the poems' linguistic features,critique and the Taoist esthetics,the thesis makes a research about "Nature",which represents the essence of the aesthetic thought of poems of Si Kongtu.
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