Basic Issues of the Theoretical Research on the Relation between Communist Party of China and the Masses in New Period
中文关键词:  新时期,中国共产党,人民群众,基础问题
English Keywords:new period,communist party of China,the masses,basic issues,
Fund Project:
CHEN Zu-yuan
摘要点击次数: 648
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Nowadays,the relation between Communist Party of China and the masses is one of the most important relations in China.The masses are CPC 's important ruling foundation.Keeping close contact with the people is the eternal topic for CPC.To educate and guide the people is CPC 's bounden duty.It concerns the state of the relationship between CPC and the masses so much that the results of research in this field have emerged one after another incessantly.However,before carrying out in-depth theoretical research on the relation,it is necessary to clarify several basic issues,such as the origin of the relation,the basic connotation of the relation,the fundamental nature of the relation,the source of theoretical research on the relation,and the definition of the term on "new period ".
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