Ponderation over Abolishing the Death Penalty of Corruption and Bribery Crimes at the Jurisprudence Angle
中文关键词:  贪污贿赂犯罪,死刑废除,刑罚
English Keywords:corruption and bribery crimes,abolishing the death penalty,penalty
Fund Project:
YIN Qiang-ming
摘要点击次数: 1065
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      China's criminal law provides that the maximum sentences for corruption and bribery crimes is the death penalty.In recent years,the rising rate of these crimes indicates that the death penalty for curbing corruption and bribery do not solve the problem.Whether based on other countries and regions corruption and bribery is not applicable to the common practice of the death penalty,or on crimes balanced principle,the principle of the effectiveness of the death penalty,sentence of humanitarian spirit,in China the death penalty of these crimes should be abolished.At the same time it should establish more rational and effective penal model which fit to corruption and bribery.
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