A Review on the Qichihu Compound Vowels of Xiang Dialect
中文关键词:  湘方言,齐齿呼,语音演变
English Keywords:Xiang Dialect,Qichihu,the Development of sounds
Fund Project:
ZHOU Sai-hong
摘要点击次数: 801
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Qichihu compound vowels are those with "i" as their pre-nuclear glidings or main vowels.In modern Xiang dialect,Qichihu compound vowels can be classified into eight syllabic types,each of which has an uneven distribution in the dialect and different origin.With its influence on modern Xiang dialect by palatalizing certain initial constants and changing the tongue position of certain main vowel sounds,"i" plays an important part in the development of initial constants and compound vowels.
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