A Preliminary Study on the Motivation of the Higher Education Integration in Europe
中文关键词:  高等教育,一体化,教育市场,知识欧洲,动因
English Keywords:higher education,integration,education market,a Europe of knowledge,motivation
Fund Project:
PAN Xue-lai
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Since 1976,higher education cooperation in Europe has achieved a rapid progress,from close cooperation at beginning to integration step by step.Its causes are worth thinking and may be explained by following: Firstly,the European economic and political integration has been undergoing an in-depth development,which promotes the higher education integration in Europe.Secondly,Vying for the international higher education market promotes the integration of European higher education.Thirdly,disintegration of USSR and upheaval of Eastern Europe offer a new chance.In addition,it is the need of constructing a Europe of knowledge.In the end,the high-speed development of information communication techniques provides the beneficial conditions for implement of integration in higher education.
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