Reading Classics Movement: Culture Consciousness or Culture Self-respect——Still Discussion with Jiangqing
中文关键词:  “读经”运动,文化自觉,文化自尊
English Keywords:"Reading Classics" Movement,culture consciousness,culture self-respect
Fund Project:
JIANG Jing-fan
摘要点击次数: 727
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Jiangqing considered "reading classics" movement as training and Chinese culture consciousness to make Chinese more literacy.But the author thinks that "reading classics" isn't a real "culture consciousness" movement,but a reaction of "culture self-respect" after investigating it from the following: whether we can understand our culture from all aspects;whether we can amount to the identification consciousness to our culture;whether we can have world insight of culture.At the same time the author thinks that we should move "culture self-respect" towards "culture consciousness" as soon as possible in a rational manner in the process of Chinese culture reconstruction.
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