Present Situation of the Social Security of Chinese Peasant Workers
中文关键词:  农民工,社会保障,立法
English Keywords:peasant worker,social security,legislation
Fund Project:
DAI Yan-li  FU Hua-li  WANG You-xiang
摘要点击次数: 1139
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Peasant workers are those that they possess country registered permanent residence but come to city for work.At present,legislation on social security of peasant workers mostly depends on local governments' regulations and documents.The exposed problems on actual legislation are as follows,legislative tasks lags seriously,legislation has many blankness,legislation ranks low,legislation system isn't canonical,legislation has narrow applied scope,social security rules carry out badly,and so on.The reasons of the deficient legislation mostly come down to localization of Chinese duality social security system,restriction with concerned rules on social security,obstacles on people's concept.
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