The Reason of High Expense for Going to Hospital and its Countermeasures
中文关键词:  看病贵,利益共同体,规范医生行为
English Keywords:high expense for going to hospital,interest community,regulating doctors' behaviour
Fund Project:
ZHAO Man  ZHOU Liang-rong
摘要点击次数: 730
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      The high expense for going to hospital attracts more and more attention in recent years.It is related with personal ability and actual situation of affording the expense and also the macro phenomenon caused by excessive increase of medical expense.It is owing to the relationship between government and hospital,hospital and doctors and the doctors' behawiour formed during marketization reform,The countermeasures should be centered on regulating doctors' behawiour and the interest chain between them should be cut down.
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