邹海贵.和谐社会伦理:对革命道德教化理念的解构与超越——革命道德教化的现代性道德价值理念审理[J].,2006,7(5):1-4 |
和谐社会伦理:对革命道德教化理念的解构与超越——革命道德教化的现代性道德价值理念审理 |
Harmonious Society Ethics: Priority to the Idea Revolutionary Moral Cultivation——Analysis to the Idea of New-date Moral Value of Revolutionary Moral Cultivation |
修订日期:2006-07-21 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 和谐社会伦理,和谐社会,革命道德,现代性道德,道德教化 |
English Keywords:Harmonious Society Ethics,Harmonious Society,revolutionary moral,new-date moral,moral cultivation |
Fund Project: |
ZOU Hai-gui |
摘要点击次数: 781 |
全文下载次数: 2 |
中文摘要: |
中国现代性道德教化是一项未竟的事业。革命道德教化理念是宝贵的精神财富,但是,以现代性道德价值理念来分析,革命道德是一种“信念伦理”,革命道德教化作为“非常时期”的道德教化活动,不能实现对启蒙道德教化的超越,与之形成了现代性道德教化的某种断裂。透析革命道德教化的现代性断裂现象,对当代道德教化有着重要启示。“和谐社会”伦理是和谐社会的价值基础,是当代道德教化的核心理念,是对革命道德教化理念的超越。 |
English Summary: |
The new-date moral cultivation(MC) in China has been developing.Revolutionary moral thoughts are valuable and spiritual treasure,but in perspective of the modern moral thoughts,it is a kind of "belief ethics".And as a moral cultivation movement in "specific period",it cannot achieve the enlightenment moral cultivation,thus leading to the faultage from the new-date MC.There is an important enlightenment to the new-date moral cultivation through the analysis on the faultage of revolutionary MC."Harmonious Society Ethics" which is the key value of Harmonious Society is prior to the revolutionary MC and a core theory of the new-date moral cultivation. |
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