Study on the Strategies of Developing Personal Banking Services in the Small-sized Banks
中文关键词:  小银行,个人金融业务,策略
English Keywords:small-sized bank,personal banking services,strategy
Fund Project:
MA Hong
摘要点击次数: 955
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Personal banking services,which is one of the most important components of moden commercial banking industry,has become a profit generator of commercial banks because of its fast development,wide scopes and low risks.As more amd more foreign banks are entering the Chinese market,Commercial Banks are facing severe competitions and challenges in the field of personal banking services. The pressure is more obvious for the small-sized banks which are mainly formed by the city Commercial Banks.In this paper,through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of developing personal banking services in the small-sized banks,it puts forward the strategies of developing personal banking services.
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