On the Historical Evolution of Cultural Philosophy
中文关键词:  文化哲学,历史演进,人本主义,马克思主义文化哲学
English Keywords:cultural philosophy,historical evolution,humanism,Marxism cultural philosophy,
Fund Project:
TANG Jin-sheng  ZHOU Xiao-yang  HUANG Mei-fang
摘要点击次数: 1029
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      As a philosophy theory which studies culture,cultural philosophy sprouted in ancient society and formed in European Renaissance.The birth of humanism marked the formation of western cultural philosophy.Marxism cultural philosophy came into being in the 1840s.After the beginning of the 20th century,cultural philosophy developed rapidly under the driving of the second and third science technology revolution.Since 1980s,cultural philosophy has become philosophical trend all over the world.Chinese Marxism cultural philosophy has demonstrated great vitality.
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