Research on the Main Problems and Countermeasures of "Caring for Girls"——A Case Study of Hunan
中文关键词:  关爱女孩行动,B超“电子眼”
English Keywords:The movement of shows loving concern to the girls,B ultra monitoring meter,
Fund Project:
ZENG Jian-guo  ZHANG Duo-lai  ZHOU Xiao-yang  XIAO Fei-li
摘要点击次数: 707
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The movement of shows loving concern to the girls defends the woman legitimate rights and interests,promotes the women development and the equality of the sexes,fundamentally governs the birth population sex .The article discusses the principal contradiction and problems urgently awaits to be solved in the experiment site work,and proposes countermeasures.
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