Thought on the Aging of Hunan Rural Population and the Countermeasures to Security of Supporting Parents
中文关键词:  人口老龄化,养老保障,对策
English Keywords:population aging,security of supporting parents,countermeasured
Fund Project:
ZHANG Duo-lai  HUANG Qiu-sheng  ZHANG Xu-ming
摘要点击次数: 990
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      According to the data of the fifth population census in 2000,Hunan Province,especially in the countryside is entering the aging roll with the characteristics of huge number,rapid speed,unbalanced region,etc.At present,the main forms of providing for the aged depend on family,society and the household enjoying the five guarantees(childless and infirm old persons who are guaranteed food,clothing,medical care,housing and burial expenses).However,the security is lack of capital,medical care,social service,spiritual life,law regulation,etc.In terms of the actual situation,we puts forward appropriate countermeasures,such as broadening all kinds of capital channel,setting up new medical care system,focusing on the aged spirit and attracting government attention.
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