Tax Planning of Business Income Tax Based on the Choice of Accounting Policy
中文关键词:  企业所得税,税收筹划,会计政策选择
English Keywords:business income tax,tax planning,choice of accounting policy
Fund Project:
LI Xiao-yun  ZHU Kai-xi
摘要点击次数: 943
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Business income tax is one of the most important taxes that must be paid by enterprises, and it is necessary and possible to make tax planning for it because of its features such as large tax - base, high tax - rate, difficult tax - duty transferring and complex calculating process. On the basis of introducing essential theory of tax planning, this paper gives the conclusion that among a lot of means of tax planning , and the choice of accounting policy is especially worthy of being used by enterprises, because of its easy operation, low cost and small incidence. Finally, through an example of choosing depreciation methods, this paper explains how to make business income tax planning by the choice of accounting policy.
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