The Suggestion on Investment and Management Money Matters for Special Household Engaged in Waste Recovery
中文关键词:  专业户,理财,再生资源的回收利用
English Keywords:special household,investment and management money matters,regenerative resource recovery utilization
Fund Project:
ZHOU Jing-hui
摘要点击次数: 1021
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Based on present financial situation of special household engaged in waste recovery, author offers four suggestions on the investment and management financial matters:on the basis of waste recovery,to produce regenerative granulated plastics and widen the scope of operation;according to macroeconomic trend,to incerase financial capital share actively and carefully and to vary at the right time;to invest in commercial insurance so as to increase safeguard and ensure stable economic resource of household life; to cater to the needs of industry and commerce deveopment,to do one s best at taxes plan and prepare.
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