Politics in the Tang Dynasty and the Their Religions of Buddhism,Taoism,and Confucianism
中文关键词:  儒学,佛教,道教,唐初政治
English Keywords:Confucianism,buddhism,taoism,politics in early Tang Dynasty,
Fund Project:
LIU Yong-gang
摘要点击次数: 833
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      In the early years of Tang Dynasty, the ruler bases is compatible and gathers all that adopts to the social politics economy, all that may be the nimble practical religious policy which uses for me. On one hand for Tang Dynasty's politics stable, the economy was developed and the cultural prosperity has laid the foundation; on the other hand because the Confucianism Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism is a row of grading, they positively closes up to politics and benefited from one another and eventually became popular. Consequently,the dominant position of Confucianism was strengthened and the doctrine further developed, the naturalization Buddhism completed, and Taoism gained unparalleled popularity.
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