On the Confusion in Interracial Sexuality in Baldwin''''s Novel Another Country
中文关键词:  詹姆斯·鲍德温,《另一个国家》,跨种族性关系,困惑
English Keywords:James Baldwin,Another Country,interracial sexuality,confusion,
Fund Project:
LI Hong-yan
摘要点击次数: 947
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Interracial sexuality, especially the sex between black and white, has been long regarded as an American taboo. In his novel Another Country, James Baldwin, the famous Afro - American writer, has probed into the taboo subject with the fine intention of helping both the black and the white out of their spiritual confusion and trying to set up sound racial relations. By describing the tragic stories of two interracial lovers, the author proves to be in a dilemma on the American social problem of interracial sexuality.
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