Contrastive Analysis of Cohesive devices of English and Chinese in Text Translation
中文关键词:  语篇,衔接手段,翻译
English Keywords:text,cohesive device,translation
Fund Project:
LI Kun  JA De-jiang
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 1
      衔接是为了实现语篇的连贯,是语篇重要的组成部分。英汉两种语言有着不同的衔接手段,文章通过布什9. 11演讲与其中译本的对比研究,揭示出衔接手段在英汉语篇中不同的运用和侧重,明确翻译时应根据语言各自的特点以及语篇体裁的要求,灵活变通或转换衔接手段,从而忠实再现原文。
English Summary:
      Cohesion is a necessary though not a sufficient condition for the creation of text and contributes to the realization of textual coherence. With the comparison between President Bush's 9.11 statements and its Chinese version, the present paper aims to expound the different preferences between Chinese and English cohesive devices in text translation. For the sake of reproducing the original text faithfully, translators should adjust and change the cohesive devices on the basis of their characteristics and the requirements of the text genre.
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