The Research on the Problems and the Government Function during the Industry Chain Formation in Hengyang--take the industry chain of electric transmission and transformation Establishment and the component manufacture for example
中文关键词:  产业链,政府作用力,产业链形成与维护
English Keywords:industry chain,the effect of the government,the formation and maintenance of the industry chain
Fund Project:
XIAO Dong-sheng
摘要点击次数: 701
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Creating industry chain is an effective way to develop industry.During the industry chain formation and its development,the local government's function should not be belittled.By analyzing the failure of creatirg industry chain in Hengyang electric transmission and transformation establishment,this paper emphasizes the government's function during the industry chain formation.Basing on that,the paper also expatiates what measures the government should take to promote the formation and development of the industry chain effectively.These measures are providing different institutions to choose,orgarize relevant enterprises and establish capital chains during the maintenance of the industry chain with technique chain supporting at the same time.In addition,authoritative institutions should be built to make the industry chain operate harmoniously.
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