On Cultural Turn in Translation from a Comparative Study of Two English Versions of the Analects
中文关键词:  文化翻译,《论语》英译本,理雅各,安乐哲
English Keywords:cultural translation,English version of The Analects,James Legge,Roger T.Ames
Fund Project:
LIU Yong-li  SHU Qi-zhi
摘要点击次数: 945
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      The reconsideration of Cultural Translation Theory on translation studies can explain the difference of the different English versions of The Analects at different periods.Taking James Legge's and Roger T.Ames' English versions of the The Analects as an example,this article regarded James Legge's version a typical linguistic translation based on cultural centuralism while Roger T.Ames' version a cultural translation in view of pluralism.The existence of Roger T.Ames' version proved that cultural translation is not only an idea but also a fact.It is possible to find some methodological breakthrough of cultural translation theory from Roger T.Ames' English version.
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