The Artistic Charm of the Stream of Consciousness Style in Porter''''s Short Fiction
中文关键词:  波特,短篇小说,意识流技巧,艺术魅力
English Keywords:Porter,short fiction,stream of consciousness techniques,artistic charm
Fund Project:
XU Jiang-qing
摘要点击次数: 1024
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Porter is a famous American short fiction writer,expert in using stream of consciousness techniques.In her best stream of consciousness short fiction "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall",she skillfully employs such stream of consciousness techniques as multiple-point-of-view,free association,interior monologue and narrated monologue as well as time montage,vividly reveals Granny's complex inner activities before her death,and multi-dimensionally creates her round image,thus fully revealing the artistic charm of the stream of consciousness techniques in her fiction.
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