朱学东.象外形无迹 寰中影有迁——论刘禹锡意境理论的构建[J].,2006,7(2):71-75
象外形无迹 寰中影有迁——论刘禹锡意境理论的构建
Appearance Beyond Imagery and Without Trace and Being Vague Outlines in the Vast Pace--To comment on the frame of mind of contexture of Liu yu-xi poetics theory
中文关键词:  刘禹锡,意境,理论
English Keywords:Liu yu-xi,the-frame of mind,poetics theory
Fund Project:
ZHU Xue-dong
摘要点击次数: 749
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      Liu yu-xi poetics theory is influenced by Buddhism and Chan.His theory is established on the frame of mind from the subjective natural disposition and intelligence.He raises the subjective temperament theory from the influence of environment,the esthetic having an open and peaceful mind from Buddhism ideal peace and the theory of words of complete explanation without defending oneself verbally,and thereupon he establishes the theory of frame of mind on foundamental characteristics beyond imagery.
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