American Media Hegemony Under Globalization Background
中文关键词:  全球化,美国传媒,传媒霸权,传媒政策
English Keywords:globalization,American media,media hegemony,media policy
Fund Project:
CHENG Ya-lin
摘要点击次数: 819
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The economical globalization causes the economy to be unprecedentedly connected.US took the biggest beneficiary from globalization,by using its absolute advantage in information and network technology,grasped the world media hegemony firmly,and demonstrated "media hegemonism" from the four big medium,including the newspaper,the broadcast,the television and the networks.Regarding this,as developing nation,China had to comply with the tide of global dissemination era,make fully use of each kind of advanced dissemination technology and strengthen its influence in the global information dissemination domain and the competitive power.
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