The Research on Motivating Mechanism of Staff in County Supplement Power Industy Based on Different Humanity
中文关键词:  人性假设,主辅分离,电力辅业,激励机制
English Keywords:Hypotheses of Human Nature,the separation of main and supplement electronic industry,the supplement electronic industry,motivating mechanism
Fund Project:
LI Bin  ZOU Shu-liang  CHEN Jia-hua
摘要点击次数: 860
全文下载次数: 2
      文章基于以美国管理心理学家Edgar H.Schein为代表的复杂人假设,对我国部分县级电力辅业进行了调查研究,首先分析了我国县级电力辅业员工结构水平及管理方式中存在的问题。继而在分层次激励、制定新型的薪酬机制、使低层次追求的员工向高层次转变、营造上下级关系等四个方面提出了一些建立我国县级电力辅业员工激励机制的建议。
English Summary:
      This paper,based on the hypothesis that human is complexed by Schein, the representative of American management psychology,carries a research on the counties' supplement electronic industries.This paper first analyses the employment structures and problems existed in the management modes of these industries,then puts forward some suggestions on four aspects in the establishment of the motivating mechanism of the employees in the supplement electronic industries.These four aspects are: encouraging employees from different levels,establishing new-fashioned salary mechanism,transiting employees' goals from low levels to high levels,building good relationships between the employers and the employees.
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