Comparison of the Typical Development Mode of Stanford Research Park and Xinzhu Sci-tech Park of Taiwan
中文关键词:  大学科技园,发展模式,美国斯坦福研究园,台湾新竹科技园
English Keywords:university science and technology park,developing mode,Stanford research park of the US,Xinzhu Sci-tech Park of Taiwan
Fund Project:
ZENG Jian-guo  TANG Jin-sheng
摘要点击次数: 1266
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      In the 1980s,with the wave of international technological revolutionary and industrial structure adjustment,there is a trend of establishing science parks all over the world.Some of them have become the successful apotheoses and many others failed.One of the key reasons is the failure of selecting development mode.In order to improve the development of the university science park of our country,the writer summarizes the successful experiences and lessons by comparatively analyzing the four different aspects of The Stanford Research Park of the US development mode and the Xinzhu Sci-tech Park of Taiwan development mode: technical running,industrial structure,management system and risk investment.
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