The Enterprise Culture Formed Inner-mechanism
中文关键词:  企业文化,文化成本
English Keywords:enterprise culture,culture cost,
Fund Project:
ZHANG Gen-ming  Gui Feng
摘要点击次数: 893
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      With market competition becoming fiercer,the function that enterprise culture plays in the course of enterprise's development is more and more important.But what drives the enterprises to form enterprise culture? The formation of the enterprise culture is derived from the necessity for declining the exchange cost inside the enterprise,extending the edge of enterprise and promoting the capability of making profit.The thesis not only explains the inner-mechanism of forming the enterprise culture and why the enterprise investors are willing to cultivate enterprise culture,but also discovers that decreasing culture cost is the motive of forming the enterprise culture from the facet of enterprise's performance and production cost.
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