Research on the Financial Guarantee Problem of Proportioned Development of Compulsory Education in Urban and Rural Areas
中文关键词:  城乡义务教育,均衡发展,政府,主体,财政
English Keywords:compulsory education in urban and rural areas,proportioned development,government,subject,finance
Fund Project:
WANG Huan-qing
摘要点击次数: 1008
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Compulsory education is the objective necessity of implement scientific developmenting view and narrowing public product supply in urban and rural areas.The financial safeguard mainbody and the funds investment are significantly different in urban and rural compulsory education.We should define the fund input responsibility for rural compulsory education of governments at all levels further,improve the financial input mechanism further,realize the balance the compulsory education in urban and rural areas is developed proportionally.
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