The Philosophic Construction of Rawls'''' State Justice Theory
中文关键词:  罗尔斯,国家正义,哲学架构,公,私
English Keywords:Rawls,state justice,philosophic construction,public,private,
Fund Project:
ZHU Wu-xiong
摘要点击次数: 716
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      In Rawls' state theory,the realization of justice is a core.Therefore,he has constructed a huge system from philosophic angle,and attempts to prove that only a free democratic country in existence the possibility to realize the state justice.But the realization of state justice displays in the very great degree for public and private contradictory well congruity.Then,Rawls designs the "private good" and the "public good",and tries to compromise them in freedom democracy society.The article systematically analyzed the Rawls' philosophic congruity in state justice,and post that even in the freedom democratic country,the contradiction between public and private were also not easy compromised.Therefore,Rawls' state justice dream was only a Utopia.
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