On Advancing with Times of the Developmental Ideas of Marxism of the Present China
中文关键词:  毛泽东,邓小平,江泽民,胡锦涛,发展观
English Keywords:Maozedong,Dengxiaoping,Jiangzemin,Hujintao,the developmental ideas
Fund Project:
WANG Xiang-zhi  ZHOU Liang-rong
摘要点击次数: 745
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Advancing with times is the theoretical quality of Marxism.It is also the theoretical quality of Maozedong Thought,Dengxiaoping Theory and the important thought of three representatives.Maozedong,Dengxiaoping,Jiangzemin and Hujintao formed the developmental ideas of Marxism of the present China in the course of combining the basic principles of Marxism and leninism with the present China's reality and characteristics of the age,and drawing the developmental lessons from the western countries.
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