The Displacemant of Archetyps:Notre Dame De Paris
中文关键词:  原型,置换,《巴黎圣母院》
English Keywords:archetypes,displacement,Notre Dame De Paris
Fund Project:
WANG Shu-lin
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 1
      诺思洛普.弗莱(Northrop Frye)认为所有的文学中都存在着神话原型,文学是对原型的模仿。原型往往是用来作为经典性实现的手段。《巴黎圣母院》中一系列原型的重现,使作品显示了凝聚精致的经典性力量。作者凭藉对原型进行智慧的置换变形,极浪漫而又极本质地展现了人类于缺憾却权威的命运下生存而不得不承受的无奈与痛苦。
English Summary:
      Northrope Frye maintains that all literature works have archetypes.Literature is a parody of the archetype which is frequently used as a means of realizing typicality.A series of archetypes in the novel Notre Dame De Paris offer the novel a kind of elegance and refinement bespeaking the power of typicality,meanwhile the displacement of the archetypes in the masterpiece Notre Dame De Paris adumbrates the unavoidable sufferings of the human being under the harsh condition.
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