A Study on Presupposition, Entailment and Affirmance in the Concept of TFA
中文关键词:  TFA概念,预设,蕴含,断言
English Keywords:concept of TFA,presupposition,entailment,affirmance,
Fund Project:
ZHAO Qing-hong
摘要点击次数: 987
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      This treatise uses TFA concept and its analytic method to discuss the differences and characteristics of the presupposition,entailment and affirmance.From the angle of TFA,the treatise analyzes the semantic and pragmatic properties of the internal part of these linguistic expressions as well as the meaning and relationship of the examples,and to understand the specific differences between presupposition and entailment,entailment and affirmance,and the relationship between presupposition and context.It might be possible to identify the real meaning of presupposition.
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