Full Explanations on the Maxim of Defining Pengkui''''s Status
中文关键词:  正名,左传,崩刂聩,卫君辙,孔子
English Keywords:the Maxim of Defining Pengkui's Status,Zuozhuan,Pengkui,Zhe,Kongfuzi,
Fund Project:
SUN Gui-ping
摘要点击次数: 746
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      Kongfuzi published the Maxim of Defining Pengkui's Status to discuss the struggle of monarchical power in Wei.Guliang Zhuan and Gongyang Zhuan made opposite explanations to Kongfuzi.The Maxim of Define Pengkui's Status could be applied to political practice.It was stemmed from the damage of Li and proved to be political theory.The theory exerted a direct influence on Chunqiu and turned to be the typical character of Confucius.
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