Analysis on the Concept of the Holding Crime
中文关键词:  持有,占有,定义,持有型犯罪
English Keywords:holding,possession,definition,holding crime
Fund Project:
HUANG Li-qin  ZHOU Ming-chuan
摘要点击次数: 648
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Holding means the actor dominate and control the property in fact and is not different with possession in essence.The possession in the civil law have two meanings as possession and right of possession.The possession in the criminal law has the same meaning with the possession in the civil law,but not the right of possession.Holding is the unity of subjective and objective,which requires continue in time but not close in space.The holding crime is a kind of crime that its main feature is holding gun,ammunition,explosive,state secrets,huge illegally income and endangering public security because of holding other illegally or dangerous materials.
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