On Historical Reforms of Connotation of Lawful Personality
中文关键词:  法律人格,权利能力,责任能力,伦理性,平等
English Keywords:Lawful personality,capacity of performing right,capacity of taking responsibility,ethnics,equality
Fund Project:
LI Xiao-qiu
摘要点击次数: 810
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The connotation of lawful personality had undergone three stages,which were inequality,formal equality,and actual equality.Yet in modern society,which the lawful personality closes to the actual equality,personality and capacity of right can never share the same concept.For personality should embrae civil capacity of right and responsibility.The former mainly describes civil Subject's capacity of performing legal right and obligations concording with lawful will,while the latter describes civil subject's capacity of taking responsibility,which caused by attending the fact that violate the will of the law.
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