Where Should the Management Start From?--The Exploration Of The Logical Start Of Management
中文关键词:  管理学,逻辑起点,系统
English Keywords:management,logical start,system
Fund Project:
ZHENG Kai-ling
摘要点击次数: 988
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The exploration of the logical start of management shouldbe based on the method which unifies the history and the logic.The logical start refers to the scientific structure of "the outset category","the beginning from the object",and the stipulation of itself.From the present situation and the questions on the management research,we try to find the vital significance and the theory value of the system(not the organization) as the logical start,and then further discuss the system's essential factor and characteristic.Therefore,from abstract to concrete,and attempts to let concrete and abstract correspond with each other,is merely an exploratory discussion on the logical start of management.
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