The Discuss of the Basic Issue of the Cultural Philosophy
中文关键词:  文化哲学,基本问题,人本主义,科学主义
English Keywords:cultural philosophy,basic issue,humanism,naturalism,
Fund Project:
HUANG Mei-fang  ZHOU Xiao-yang
摘要点击次数: 685
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The uppermost issue or the basic issue of the cultural philosophy is the relation between the main body and the object.The diverse reply to the relation between the main body and the object is the standard to divide the cultural philosophy into different faction.The basic issue of the cultural philosophy is attached to the basic issue of the philosophy,and reflect the basic issue of the philosophy at a certain extent.The cultural philosophy may be divided into three basic faction: God article principle,Naturalism and Humanism.Naturalism and Humanism have become the two main factions of the contemporary cultural philosophy.
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