Comparison of Hypotaxis and Parataxis in English and Chinese and its Translation
中文关键词:  形合,意合,衔接
English Keywords:hypotaxis,parataxis,cohesion[HJ]
Fund Project:
FEN Qiao-ni  JIA De-jiang
摘要点击次数: 1362
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      By means of comparison between the English and Chinese language, this paper offers a brief analysis of the hypotactic and paratactic phenomena in the two languages. The comparison is conducted from three aspects, i.e. the causes of hypotactic and paratactic traditions in English and Chinese; the different cohesive devices used in hypotaxis and parataxis; the enlightenment the study throws on translation. The present author holds that, although difference of hypotaxis and parataxis exists between the two languages, the contrast is not absolute and translators should be cautious and flexible when handling with cohesive strategies. It also provides examples to illustrate and analyze some of those strategies.
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