A Pragmatic Analysis of Chinese Rhetorical Questions
中文关键词:  汉语反问句,语言礼貌,语用预设,语用失误
English Keywords:chinese rhetorical question,linguistic politeness,pragmatic presupposition,pragmatic failure
Fund Project:
LI Jie
摘要点击次数: 785
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      This paper aims to analyze the use of Chinese rhetorical questions within a pragmatic framework. It claims that the Chinese rhetorical question is a linguistic device that can be used to achieve contrastive effects: they can be used to enhance the level of linguistic politeness as well as to mitigate it. Additionally, the use of rhetorical questions is related closely to specific social norms in Chinese culture. It also offers a more complete picture of pragmatic presuppositions in rhetorical questions. Taking into consideration of possible pragmatic failures resulted from their improper use, it concludes that rhetorical questions should be used cautiously.
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