Useless Value--On the discourse upon utility in esthetic of Wang Guo-wei and its affects
中文关键词:  审美,功利,审美功利主义,王国维,蔡元培,鲁迅,朱光潜
English Keywords:esthetic,utility,esthetic utilitarianism,Wang guo-wei,Cai Yuan-pei,Lu Xun,Zhu Guang-qian,
Fund Project:
DING Zhi-cai
摘要点击次数: 802
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      The contradiction between esthetics and utility exists through the course of esthetics and literature. Under the foundation of western theory of disinterest that takes Kant as representative, Wang Guo-wei formed his unique esthetic utilitarianism combining with reality of the society of China. Under this Influence, scholar such as Cai Yuan-pei, Lu Xun and Zhu Guang-qian and so on establish their own esthetic theories and realize the conversion from Chinese traditional esthetics to modern ones.
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