The Route Choosing in Professional Prosess of Chinese Judicial Personnel
中文关键词:  司法人员,职业化,语境,结构,路径
English Keywords:judicial personnel,professionalism,linguistic environment,structure,route,
Fund Project:
YANG Zheng-ping  LI Zhi-xiong
摘要点击次数: 864
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Chinese judicial personnel undertakes the hope and the future of a nationality, which is the foundation and precondition to found the harmonious and the legal environment of the socialism. Unjustness of law-officers cause unfair justice directly. The judicial system of China is taking an enormous change. During such a reform, it is urgent to find the professional process of Chinese judicial personnel. This text explains the peculiar problems under Chinese linguistic environment and analyses the content and structure of the professional standard. At last, on this basis, the route is probed into, in order to find a feasible way for the professional process with existing resources.
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