On the Establishment of the Human Capital Rights and the Benefits Allotment
中文关键词:  人力资本,人力资本产权,人力资本收益分配
English Keywords:Human capital,human capital rights,material capital benefits
Fund Project:
HU Yu-qing  HE Jian-xiong LIU Wen-hua
摘要点击次数: 1056
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The purpose of developing and cultivating human capital lies in its use; however, the final aim is destined to win benefits by making use of it. Both human capital owner and the material capital owner are the main body of an enterprise. Of course, the material capital is a capital, which can create value for a firm, however, without man's function, the increased value can't be achieved. If the material capital is a proprietor of enterprise's profits, the human capital is naturally becoming the proprietors of the enterprise's surplus profits.
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