Study on the of Sharing Mode Library Information Resources--The introspectim for the theory of sharing information resources
中文关键词:  市场意识  信息资源  共享  模式
English Keywords:consciousness of market,information resources,sharing,mode
Fund Project:
WANG Dong-sheng  LU Ke-jian
摘要点击次数: 1340
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Information products are well known for the characteristics of public sharing.There have been some theoretic misunderstandings for such products.therefore, people often unrealistically go after expanding the share of information resources.In addition,they prefer cooperation,technology,monopoly and investment to consciousness of equality in market, market efficiency,market competition and market demands respectively.Based on these problems which exist theoretically and practically,the authors think that the establishment of consciousness of market is the key factor in successfully sharing modern library information resources.
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