Thoughts on the System of Implementing and Perfecting Accountant Accreditation in Higer-learning Education Institutes
中文关键词:  会计委派制  内部控制制度  会计职业道德建设
English Keywords:accountant accreditation system,inner control system,accountant professional ethics constrction
Fund Project:
GUO Zai-gao  QUAN Xiao-hong  LI Jian
摘要点击次数: 776
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Although Accountant Accreditation System is an effective method of restraining accounting information distortion, rooting up corruption and preventing state-owned assets losing, the bugs inherent of itself make it only a temporary solution. To solve the problem from the very beginging, it is necessary to establish and consummate the enterprise inner control system , and to strengthen the construction of accountant professional ethics. Thereupon, we can standardize the behaviour of the units and person accreditated , and make the economy develop harmoniously and orderly.
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