Formation and Development of Deng xiao-ping''''s APC Idea
中文关键词:  邓小平"三农"思想  形成  发展
English Keywords:Deng xiao-ping's APC idea,formation,development,
Fund Project:
TAN Wen-li
摘要点击次数: 854
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Deng xiao-ping's APC(agriculture, peasants and country) idea is based on the reality of China's country, following the objective law that only production relationship is apt to development of productivity can it greatly advance productivity. It breaks through the idea of traditional agriculture and keeps developing and innovating in country's reform and opening. Deng xiao-ping's idea indicates a bright road for billons of peasants to break away from agricultural difficulty and pursue a better life, Which is an important part of Deng xiao-ping's theory.
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