刘也玲.多元互补 动态发展——也论翻译标准[J].,2004,5(4):95-97,112
多元互补 动态发展——也论翻译标准
Dynamic Development of Translation Criterion in Which Multifactors Complement Each Other
中文关键词:  翻译标准  多元互补  文化传真
English Keywords:translation criterion,plural complementarism,facsimile of culture
Fund Project:
LIU Ye-ling
摘要点击次数: 859
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The translation criterions are effective in practice from ancient to modern time and west to China ,but they are all the expression of individualities .This paper shows that translation criterion should be a dynamic system in which multifactors complement each other to facilitate its development. Meanwhile , "facsimile of culture " is suggested as the general principle of translation.
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